Document Management Knowledge Center

7 Ways “Fear of Document Management” Is Holding You Back

Written by Jana Wiggins | Apr 29, 2014 11:47:00 AM

If you like wasting time with inefficient processes and you welcome mismanaged mayhem, then a real document management system with powerful workflow software, records management and email integration is not for you.

You like things the way they are, no matter how broken down, beat up and tapped out your workflow engine is. We know what you’re thinking, more or less:

  1. You aren’t one for proactive decisions. 
    You know that planning in advance saves lots of time and money in the long run. You know that putting the big picture into perspective makes it easier to connect the little pieces in the best, most efficient way.

    But what about that up-front effort? No, thank you. So proactive scheduling and task simplification via workflow management software – no matter how much streamlining, cost-shaving and time-saving it gets you – is way out of your comfort zone and simply out of the question.
  2. You don’t sweat the deadlines. 
    Missing deadlines isn’t a big deal, so you’re totally fine with using that spreadsheet – you know, the one no one remembers to reference or update until it’s too late.

    But what are a few late fines here and there? You really don’t understand the fuss. Plus, scrutinizing critical dates with real document management software and setting up task alerts require more of that proactive planning! So while you’d get automatically notified about upcoming deadlines, thereby preventing late fines, you’d rather flounder through a spreadsheet than put in the effort to take charge.
  3. You don’t mind fumbling around for files. 
    That document is being reviewed, and it’s around here … somewhere. Sure, there’s document management with business workflow automation out there, and it lets you add documents to a business process (keeping all related files together), updates you on the status of a document (showing what’s been changed and who’s next up in the chain of review) and prompts you when an action needs to be taken (reviewing, approving or sending out externally).

    But that whole “business process improvement” thing is way overrated. Plus, all the time you spend looking up and tracking down documents isn’t so bad.
  4. You don’t feel like playing “version surgeon.”
    You laugh in the face of document version control. Completely unnecessary! Everyone should know that “smithcontract_dw_v14-edits-3.docx” is the latest version – I mean, really. And you know that document management spiel: how it opens your eyes to complete version history, lets you manage updates by checking documents in/out of editing and streamlines your search for files based on modification date and user.

    But all that stuff must take effort to set up! Not only that: You’re used to constant versioning questions. You dominate the field of inefficiency. Sure, it’s a field besmirched with the skid marks of constant back-and-forth, but it’s your field, and it’s familiar territory.
  5. You’re a big fan of big printing.
    Printing request forms just to have someone approve them? Sure, why not? Electronic approvals via contract management software may save ink and paper, not to mention the weeks it often takes to get contracts back. You’d get insight into viewing, signature and routing status, and that digital signature means signers are able to sign from anywhere.

    But, all this change is overwhelming. Again, you’d rather keep things static, no matter how stagnant they are. Keep those printers humming!
  6. You don’t mind the email sludge.  
    You’ve got hundreds of copies and versions of files being emailed back and forth during a review cycle. It’s a lot, but that’s what emails are for, right? Then again, the IT team has been telling you that email software isn’t designed for long-term storage and that it doesn’t perform well when besieged with high-volume correspondence.

    But routing and indexing your emails/attachments in a separate document management system must be super complicated. You’re sure your team couldn’t handle it. And who needs optical character recognition (OCR) for full-text search, anyway?
  7. You don’t prep for audits.
    Auditors come in, and their eyes glaze over at the boxes and piles of files they have to go through. But hey, that’s their problem … right? You’ve heard the pitch that records management software makes an auditor’s job easier, which makes him or her happier and more pleasant to deal with.

    But that simply can’t be the case! Auditors are going to give you a hard time regardless of the state of your records. Plus, your employees love taking on that “file fetcher” role, shackling themselves to the auditor’s every beck and call. Then again, there are those options for setting up audit trails and record retention controls/alerts. Hm. Now that you think about it, that would be useful. Maybe next quarter. Or next year. Or maybe next …

Okay, so this was obviously a gross overstatement of the thoughts someone might have when confronting a possible transition to document management software. But the truths underlying these exaggerated ruminations are spot on! Let’s face it: Change is scary, especially when you’ve got to get everyone on board to achieve real process improvement.

But you know what’s even scarier? The inefficiencies, inaccuracies and insolvencies brought on by improper document management. 

There’s no time like the present to make a change, cut ties with wonky workflow and make process improvement a priority … finally! Click the button below to download our complimentary whitepaper, Accelerating your Service Delivery through Process Automation.