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Are Your Employees Working Like Elves?

Written by Nicole Levin | Dec 18, 2009 6:46:00 PM

It’s that time of year.  The stores and malls are filled with shoppers. Christmas specials are on the television and everyone is busy getting ready for the holidays. Best of all, it’s the season of the unspoken corporate rule. Nothing gets done. That’s right; your employees are busy buying gifts on the Internet or planning a trip to see family. And as the boss, you calmly look the other way because you realize all employees are like Santa’s little helpers; they are just not helping your business at all. It doesn’t have to be that way.

This year help your employees get less done. That’s right. Help them shop, plan travel or get in the holiday spirit. How you ask? That’s simple; get them a document management system. Not just any system, but a document management system that automates the tedious process of finding, reviewing and approving documents.

Maybe those documents are pesky sales orders, invoices, contracts, or legal documents. You know the type of documents that just keep getting in the way of celebrating the holiday. Imagine how much free time your employees will have if the documents get routed by an automated system. Imagine how many orders, contracts or other documents might be handled quickly and efficiently if a system was in place to apply your business rules to your business documents.

Think about how much free time your employees will have to do the things they really want to do this holiday season.

Now imagine the beginning of the year. Your documents are easily found, not under an eggnog stain, but in a secure online repository neatly organized by type, customer, or any other category that is important to you. Now imagine happy productive employees who, thanks to you, had a great holiday and are now ready to move your organization's business forward.

Best of all, now that they are focused, they can focus on real issues, not just paper problems. Imagine an organization where contracts were reviewed and approved quickly, where sales orders were processed efficiently, where invoices were never lost or paid twice.

Now look out at your employees all gathered around their PC’s. Are they really working on your business? Or are they getting ready for the holidays? Make it so you don’t care. With the right system in place, and employee productivity at its peak, a little holiday cheer won’t negatively affect your end of year.

You don’t really have to imagine this at all. Give yourself the gift of a document management system this year. Both you and your employees will be jolly all year long because, just like elves, they really will be productive all year long.

Happy Holidays and Best Wishes!


Photo courtesy of chooyutshing.